good word in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "good word"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "good word" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "good word", or refer to the context using the word "good word" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Contagious is a good word.

2. "Absquatulate" is a perfectly good word of English.

3. Calorific is a good word for describing something that generates heat

4. The sisters nourished one another by the good word of God.14

5. (There is nothing Brummagem about Anthony Arlidge's suggestion of today's Good Word

6. 28 I would like to put in a good word for the catering.

7. Put in a good word for me so I can drive the boat.

8. One good word from her is worth ten years of groveling to him.

9. (James 1:27) A discouraged one may need a “good word” to cheer him up.

10. Word History: Today's Good Word is another snitched, via French, from Latin Bucolicus "pastoral"

11. 3 “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.” (Prov.

12. Cataclysmic seems to be a good word to sum up your neighbors to the south these days

13. Good news is that you can get right back out on the water... preaching the good word.

14. What is needed to lighten the burden and make the heart rejoice is a good word of encouragement from an understanding person.

15. So, today's Good Word may itself be used as a verb, to blarney, which has all the forms of a verb: blarneys, Blarneyed, blarneying

16. So, today's Good Word may itself be used as a verb, to blarney, which has all the forms of a verb: blarneys, blarneyed, Blarneying

17. 21 Not only that: If enough people bought the package, a new application would get unlocked for all buyers, which guaranteed very good word-of-mouth promotion.

18. Word History: Today's Good Word comes from Latin Acquiescere "to quieten down" made out of ad "(up) to" + quiescere "to rest, be quiet"

19. Word History: Today's Good Word came to us via Latin from Greek Bibliopoles "bookseller", made up of the root of biblion "book" + poles "seller"

20. Notes: This Good Word has two nouns: Ambiguousness is the state of being ambiguous while ambiguity may mean this or "an ambiguous thing" and may be pluralized, as the ambiguities of life

21. Chauvinistic might be a good word that when some of us read 'foreigner', all that's thought of is folks from North of the Border -- and South of that other Border, the one way up north

22. Carry yourself well, stay under control, be polite at all times, and you will develop a good reputation for being well-Behaved. Good behavior makes a good impression on teachers and administrators and they'll be inclined to put in a good word for you.

23. Anything extraneous is subject to this epithet: "Abel Mann won the race despite the fact he was running on an Adscititious leg." Word History: Today's Good Word is a borrowing from Latin adsciticius with an O inserted between the I and U to adapt it to English.