golden rule in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "golden rule"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "golden rule" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "golden rule", or refer to the context using the word "golden rule" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The Golden Rule

2. Lastly, use the golden rule, Cummins says.

3. Unfortunately they did not the golden rule.

4. This is the golden rule of flow.

5. This is Kantian ethics ; or, the Golden Rule.

6. The golden rule of teaching is to be clear.

7. Confucius and others taught variations of the Golden Rule

8. The golden rule of cooking is to use fresh ingredients.

9. The golden rule is never to clean a valuable coin.

10. The golden rule when creating your design is: keep it simple.

11. He who has the gold , makes the rules ---- Murphy's golden rule.

12. Hanson's golden rule is to add value to whatever business he buys.

13. Those who broke this golden rule were destined for the circular file.

14. My golden rule of cooking is to use the best of fresh ingredients.

15. Remember the golden rule of legal PR-keep the client in the picture.

16. In golf the golden rule is to keep one's eye on the ball.

17. The golden rule for after - dinner speeches is to keep them short and sweet.

18. And of course it's not just religious people who believe in the Golden Rule.

19. The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.

20. The first, golden rule is that children do not learn at an even pace.

21. In any relationship - personal, business of social - when in doubt, follow the golden rule.

22. The only law that all our constituent cultures would generally recognize is the Golden Rule.

23. Again, the golden rule is only pick a cause that is dear to your heart.

24. The deployment of the golden rule most naturally happens along these non-zero-sum channels.

25. What is the Golden Rule, and how is it of practical value in a marriage?

26. In addition to the Golden Rule, Jesus gave other direction that will help you make wise choices.

27. So, it's these exclusions to the golden rule that amount to a lot of the world's trouble.

28. Every single one of them has evolved their own version of what's been called the Golden Rule.

29. Aspiring rock artists should remember one golden rule when dealing with the press: there are no rules.

30. Treating others as you would have them treat you (the Golden Rule) is one example of Consideration.

31. Remember, when driving a car, the golden rule is never to take both hands off the steering wheel.

32. The golden rule is to use a drawing program which builds its image from instructions rather than individual dots.

33. When an investigator arrives at the scene of an accident there is a single golden rule: secure the wreckage.

34. See the article “Follow the Golden Rule in Your Ministry” in the May 15, 2014, issue of The Watchtower.

35. The golden rule is that if you have a chat room or discussion forum, you need to monitor it closely.

36. Private philanthropy is the direct expression of the great Christian principle of the Brotherhood of man and the Golden Rule

37. Our wards and branches should be places where the Golden Rule always guides our words and actions toward each other.

38. Eating fruit is regarded as the golden rule and precious percept after a meal, but physicians put forward the objection.

39. While the State enforced a campaign of hate and discrimination against all Jews, the Witnesses continued to follow the Golden Rule.

40. Just remember the golden rule when incorporating phytoplankton into your Copepod’s habitat; a light “green tea” color is the optimal concentration

41. In terms of the golden rule of change, it caused them to do unto themselves what they wanted others to do.

42. Wherever it is found and however it is expressed, the Golden Rule encompasses the moral code of the kingdom of God.

43. They discovered and applied the golden rule of leading change: Do unto yourself what you would have others do unto themselves.

44. Could it be that you need to apply the Golden Rule a bit more in your friendships? —Matthew 7:2, 12.

45. The golden rule is that if you have a chat room or discussion forum(sentencedict .com), you need to monitor it closely.

46. Other examples of Absolutist beliefs include: beliefs in equity or “fairness,” freedom-of-choice, democracy, the golden rule, the rule of law

47. Perhaps the most conclusive proof that the Golden Rule is still valid comes from the actual experiences of those who live by it.

48. Spending around 30% of your income on rent is the golden rule when you’re trying to figure out how much you can Afford to pay

49. We encourage all of us to practice the Savior’s Golden Rule: “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12).

50. April 2021 Weekly Holidays *APAWS Pooper Scooper Week: 1-7 *Golden Rule Week: 1-7 *Laugh at Work Week: 1-7 *Medication Safety Week: 1-7 *Testicular Cancer Awareness Week: 1 …