dived in Czech

dived <v.> potápěl Entry edited by: B2 skákal střemhlav Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "dived"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dived" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dived", or refer to the context using the word "dived" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He dived for pearls.

2. She dived into the water.

3. He dived into an alley.

4. He dived off the bridge.

5. Denzil dived into the water.

6. She dived headfirst into the pool.

7. The thief dived down an alley.

8. He dived underwater and swam away.

9. He dived gracefully into the water.

10. Jim dived headlong into the task.

11. He dived headlong into the ditch.

12. Stock prices dived during the financial crisis.

13. The eagle dived down on the rabbit.

14. The diver dived off the high board.

15. The submarine dived to avoid being seen.

16. She dived in off the high board.

17. 1 She dived headfirst into the pool.

18. He dived effortlessly into the turquoise water.

19. The hawk dived straight at the chicken.

20. 19 She dived in off the high board.

21. He dived below the surface of the water.

22. 2 The diver dived off the high board.

23. The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.

24. We dived for cover when the storm started.

25. We dived into the river to cool off.

26. 12 The diver dived off the high board.

27. She dived into her handbag for the keys.

28. She dived into the pool, making scarcely a ripple.

29. When the rain started, we dived into a cafe.

30. He dived from the bridge and rescued the child.

31. We dived into a shop to avoid the rain.

32. The dollar dived against the yen in Tokyo today.

33. 10 The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.

34. She dived in and swam out to the yacht.

35. The goalie dived for the ball, but missed it.

36. 14 The whale dived to a depth of 300 meters.

37. He dived gaily at my legs, like a football player.

38. M-24 then dived and moved to leave the harbour.

39. 29 He dived into the water from the diving board.

40. He dived from the bridge to rescue the drowning child.

41. He dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning child.

42. The plane dived suddenly, causing the pilot to black out.

43. They dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning woman.

44. 25 The whale dived to a depth of 300 meters.

45. When the rain started(Sentencedict.com), we dived into a cafe.

46. The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.

47. 16 He dived from the bridge to rescue the drowning child.

48. He dived in cleanly, entering the water in a straight line.

49. The lifeguard dived into the sea to save the drowning woman.

50. 13 They dived from the bridge and rescued the drowning woman.