devolution in Czech

[bio.] degenerace převedení přenesení postoupení

Sentence patterns related to "devolution"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "devolution" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "devolution", or refer to the context using the word "devolution" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Keystone Killer's devolution is only a theory.

2. Once elected, they would negotiate for greater devolution.

3. If Alexander has a central theme, it is devolution.

4. Their policies on devolution seemed to be going awry.

5. It was that devolution that eventually led to his capture.

6. Hello everyone and welcome to Dragon Ball Z Devolution wait no welcome to Baston, this is a game created by the creator of Dragon Ball Devolution but isn'

7. It would also facilitate the devolution of power to the regions.

8. 14 The majority of people in the province are in favour of devolution.

9. Mr Mason believes this sort of devolution will bring higher returns.

10. The latter were given a choice between fast-and slow-track devolution.

11. The devolution programme of Wahid's administration may also be thrown into doubt.

12. Cronkite expressed surprise at the devolution of TV news into little more than soundbites.

13. Account is also taken of the implications of the devolution of Commission departments.

14. I do not concede for a moment that this is a devolution measure.

15. Plans for devolution have been exchanged, but have hardly been considered by the other side.

16. Toxic Asininity Blogging changed the media business for the worse, and the devolution continues.

17. This was, of course, dismissed by supporters of devolution as a grossly unfair caricature.

18. Bituminize definition: treat with bitumen synonyms: Bituminise, process, treat antonyms: decrease, irreversible process, increase, devolution

19. Bituminize definition: treat with bitumen synonyms: bituminise, process, treat antonyms: decrease, irreversible process, increase, devolution

20. As General Secretary, he managed the Labour Party’s successful YES YES devolution referendum campaign in 1997.

21. The devolution of financial management is one of the most important developments in recent legislation.

22. It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.

23. 10 It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.

24. Mr Trimble is visiting all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland this week to promote a return to devolution.

25. He opposed devolution consistently, and with some Asperity, precisely because of its potential to elide into independence

26. 29 It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.

27. This is what I would also like to see happen throughout Great Britain, with devolution and regional assemblies.

28. One form of horizontal devolution has been a feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom for centuries.

29. No doubt that was one reason for the deep-rooted Labour hostility to devolution, and there were other reasons.

30. The Government of India Act , 1919 , provided for a considerable measure of devolution of authority to the provinces .

31. A policy of devolution had been advocated by the three main UK parties with varying enthusiasm during recent history.

32. The educational measures provided for the devolution of responsibility from the federal government to the state and local authorities.

33. Independent mechanisms like the Finance Commission were created to allocate resources between the Centre and the States to account for devolution.

34. In Airsick: An Industrial Devolution Toronto Star Photographer Lucas Oleniuk tackles the global issue of climate change through a local approach.

35. In this real world of politics and journalism, there can be little room for the devolution of newspaper power to journalists.

36. None the less, as Miller reminds us, devolution does not mean absolute separation from Westminster and the creation of independent new nations.

37. A Centralist mindset prevalent in politics, civil society, media and donors is the biggest threat to the federalism, provincial autonomy and devolution in the country

38. 26 It is attacked from below by demands for devolution and from above by supranational confederations,( such as the EU and NAFTA.

39. The regimes under which nationalised industries function are by no means the only examples of vertical devolution under the United Kingdom constitution at present.

40. He also spoke about the Union Government’s acceptance of the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission regarding devolution of 42 per cent of the divisible pool of taxes to States.

41. ‘A cabinet of statesmen who, Agnizing the process of moral devolution in Germany ever since Stein was dismissed, have dedicated themselves to the task of restoring Germany to her true self.’

42. Formed in 1982, under the guidance of historical leader Xosé Manuel Beiras, the Bng calls for further devolution of powers to the Parliament of Galicia and the official and unambiguous recognition

43. d. Therefore, the total Additional Resources going to West Bengal over the next five years [tax devolution and FC grants] will rise by Rs. 2,05,900 crore, an increase of 174% compared to the last five years.

44. (adjective) The rules of kinship largely determined status with its Correlative rights and obligations, supplied the place of contract and of laws affecting the ownership, disposition and devolution of property, constituting the clan an organic, selfcontained entity, a political, social and mutual insurance copartnership.

45. ‘The Concession came in response to Chancellor Gordon Brown's belief that the pact fails to take account of borrowing and investment over a five to six-year cycle.’ ‘Under this pact the government made some Concessions to Tamil demands, including the devolution of power to the provinces.’

46. The Agglomeration (agglomération, agglomer-atie) of Brussels denotes the grouping of the city with 18 surrounding communes.The establishment of a regional entity for the capital area took place within the context of demands for devolution of political structures and powers across Belgium.

47. This is entirely due to the increased weightage given to the Backwardness factor in tax devolution by the Commissions since the Seventh; the correlation of per capita shared taxes with per capita SDP was consistently negative and significant since the award of the seventh Commission.

48. They range in size from the Public Service Alliance of Canada, which represents 122,000 employees, to the Canadian Air Traffic Control Association which, since the devolution of air traffic services to Nav Canada, represents 11 employees in what remains of the Air Traffic Control (AI) bargaining unit.

49. Addressing a large public meeting at Burnpur after dedicating to the Nation the 2.5 MT modernized and expanded IISCO steel plant at Burnpur, the Prime Minister mentioned various instances of cooperative federalism of recent months, including the setting up of the NITI Aayog, and the devolution of additional revenues to the States through acceptance of the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission.