break wind in Czech

pouštět větry Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "break wind"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "break wind" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "break wind", or refer to the context using the word "break wind" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Break wind first attested 1550s

2. Second , learn to break wind observation.

3. Why do men break wind more than women.

4. Crepitate To fart, to cut the cheese, to break wind, etc.

5. In a moment, the rain break wind, bright skies in a rainbow appeared!

6. It is so embarrassed that I often have indigestion and then... break wind.

7. It's a "factual reality" that beans make you break wind, says South Africa's advertising watchdog.

8. When you tasted poverty and embarrassed, will then understand the pride and dignity are all break wind.

9. So, when those cows break wind, not only it is stinky, but it's cutting a hole in the ozone!

10. One day, the monkey hears the fox: "You guessed what the elephant does break wind hits a song name is?"

11. 23 The boy might break wind or say a naughty word and forfeit the protection of that great white spirit.

12. We can, for instance, break wind, drop one, pass gas, let one fly, step on a duck, or cut the cheese.

13. Can" go to the hair turn" carry out the democracy?Mao Zedong lie in the memorial hall, how would hinder the democracy?Break wind! You are all imperialistic henchmans!

14. Can" go to the hair turn" carry out the democracy?Mao Zedong lie in the memorial hall(, how would hinder the democracy?Break wind! You are all imperialistic henchmans!

15. Spring and artless Enpa river, the slightest depression struggle for you, for your clothes wide shoes, thin, for your tears wet screens, I do not know when will break wind and rain.

16. 19 Spring and artless Enpa river, the slightest depression struggle for you, for your clothes wide shoes, thin, for your tears wet screens, I do not know when will break wind and rain.