internationalism in Arabic

Internationalism الدولية

Sentence patterns related to "internationalism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "internationalism" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "internationalism", or refer to the context using the word "internationalism" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. 1 The word 'internationalism' is polysyllabic.

2. It is kind of nationalism as internationalism.

3. The proletarian patriotism is combined with internationalism.

4. There is no contradiction between patriotism internationalism.

5. A new internationalism had been born in football.

6. They also put forward proletariate internationalism and patriotism.

7. Our friend ship is built on proletarian, internationalism.

8. Internationalism and patriotism also belong to this realm.

9. Chinese Communists must therefore combine patriotism with internationalism.

10. They remained true to the banner of proletarian internationalism.

11. Dr. Bethune's spirit of internationalism moved us all to tears.

12. Roosevelt could sound like a proponent of what today we call Wilsonian internationalism.

13. The likely dangers of traditional internationalism are starting to outweigh any plausible benefits.

14. The rhetoric of internationalism faded like morning mist before the sun of reality.

15. Also, as Sutton points out, Bolshevists and bankers also share significant common ground – internationalism

16. Far from rejecting internationalism and retreating to isolationism, the Republicans were proposing to go beyond containment.

17. He was a humanist who claimed to have three religions: Amnesty Internationalism, atheism, and humour.

18. Indeed, its appeal to internationalism may have conflicted with the ready nationalism of the audience.

19. • The Agonized hand-wringing about internationalism and the finer points of world politics were thrust aside

20. The agonized hand-wringing about internationalism and the finer points of world politics were thrust aside.

21. It was the internationalism of the 1965 poetry reading, cultural, post-Beat, off-beat, and art-oriented.

22. The campaign would not be about personalities, he stressed, but about the stark choice between internationalism and nationalism.

23. In proposing a rupture between liberal internationalism and nationalist socialism, Hyndman and Blatchford were ahead of their time.

24. The pre-war career of H. N. Brailsford illustrates the easy co-operation of liberal and socialist internationalism before 19

25. There were still tendencies towards national rivalry and arrogance, and these could only be countered by a steadfast policy of internationalism.

26. I was told this was a retrograde step: what I was advocating was narrow nationalism in an age of increasing internationalism.

27. Because of the particularity of intellectual property, the intellectual property tax has three feathers: sustainable development, difficult to imposture, extensive internationalism.

28. 27 There were still tendencies towards national rivalry and arrogance, and these could only be countered by a steadfast policy of internationalism.

29. Nicolaas Johannes Diederichs, who later became South Africa's president, formulated Afrikaner nationalistic ideology in his book "Nationalism as a Worldview and Its Relationship to Internationalism" through Kuyperian theology.

30. In a world fettered by race, creed and colour, Rabindranath Tagore promoted internationalism for a new world order based on diversity, open-mindedness, tolerance and co-existence.

31. ‘But her personal antipathy Conceals a more serious matter.’ ‘Through Europe, there can be a kind of internationalism in name and law, but one that Conceals a more fragmented continent, obsessed with regional concerns.’ ‘However, this statistic Conceals some wider problems.’

32. The history traced by Rooted Cosmopolitanism, the story of the Jewish involvement in internationalism and human rights, illustrates the limitations of Backcasting the two victorious modern Jewish political movements--statist Zionism and a political, prophetic American Judaism--as the inevitable outcome of twentieth-century Jewish history.