ingrowth in Arabic

Ingrowth النّموّ الدّاخليّ

Sentence patterns related to "ingrowth"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ingrowth" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ingrowth", or refer to the context using the word "ingrowth" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. In one form, the acetabular cup further includes a ceramic porous bone ingrowth surface adhered thereto for secure ingrowth attachment to natural patient bone.

2. Bard ® Mesh reinforces the weakened area, allowing for tissue ingrowth and resiliency

3. Sixteen teeth (41%) showed revascularisation or ingrowth of alveolar bone into the pulp.

4. No revisions were necessary and X-rays confirmed partial or total ingrowth of the allografts.

5. The initial solid fixation of an uncemented acetabular component affects the amount of bone ingrowth.

6. Evograft Cancellous Crushed Chips are designed to fill bony voids or gaps, providing a scaffold for bone ingrowth with the patient's own bone

7. Archenteron [¦ärk′en·tə‚rän] (embryology) The cavity of the gastrula formed by ingrowth of cells in vertebrate embryos

8. Cancellous chips fill gaps in a patient’s skeletal system and provide a scaffold for bone ingrowth and remodeling with the patient’s own bone

9. The osseous penetration rate into titanium canals was compared to the bone ingrowth in equally sized pipes of polymerized acrylic cement which had been inserted in the titanium chamber.

10. The pistil, which is above the rest of the members of the flower, consists of two Carpels joined at their edges to form the ovary, which becomes two-celled by subsequent ingrowth of a septum from these …