inflows in Arabic

Inflows التدفّقات

Sentence patterns related to "inflows"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inflows" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inflows", or refer to the context using the word "inflows" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. FDI inflows are at an all-time high, with 40% rise.

2. Inflows have also contributed to large increases in asset prices.

3. Private capital inflows to developing countries remain sensitive to global financial conditions.

4. See: Betterment goes 'strategic' with ESG after stunning 2020 inflows and fortuitous 'accident,' stumbling on …

5. Foreign Direct Investment inflows are at an all-time high, rising by 40 per cent.

6. Capital inflows in economies that suffer from low investment demand fuel consumption, not capital accumulation.

7. China Foreign Exchange --- "China faces massive hot money inflows of funds and other speculative risk."

8. * Inflows through ADRs/GDRs/FCCBs, against the FDI approvals have not been included.

9. India has had a poor track record of converting FDI approvals into inflows .

10. A large part of the widening current account deficit is still financed by short-term capital inflows.

11. On the other hand, capital account Convertibility implies freedom of currency conversion related to capital inflows and outflows.

12. This virtuous feedback loop has now turned vicious, with capital inflows amounting to only a fraction of outflows.

13. Deep water circulation is controlled primarily by inflows from the Atlantic Ocean, the Red Sea, and Antarctic currents.

14. Capital Budgeting usually means listing each project along with its cash outlays and expected cash inflows for each year

15. Only 20.15 per cent of the total FDI approvals till date have been converted into actual inflows .

16. Stronger inflows of customer advance payments only partly compensated the build-up of inventories and higher payments made to suppliers.

17. On the modified cash basis of accounting, OSFI had greater inflows of funds than outflows during 2005-2006.

18. Figure V shows the estimated yearly inflows from the 4.5 per cent and 2 per cent accrual charges.

19. I do not agree with the proposition that India is no longer a preferred or a hospitable destination for foreign investment inflows.

20. Overbuilt: This observation relates to the first concern and that is – can the region absorb these rapid capital inflows?

21. 11 In other words, the initial credit inducement may become accepted as the norm, thus shunting all cash inflows forwards.

22. An alternative hypothesis is proposed involving fractional crystallization of an ultrabasic melt introduced to the magma chamber as periodic inflows of essentially the same composition.

23. The ratings agency Moody’s has said that FDI inflows were all-time high in 2016, highlighting the success of our ‘Make in India’ initiative.

24. The ratings agency Moody's has said that FDI inflows were all-time high in 2016, highlighting the success of our 'Make in India' initiative.

25. In addition, net foreign capital inflows are likely to dwindle for several quarters at least, affecting domestic monetary conditions while aggregate demand is weak.

26. China, with its centrally controlled economy, managed currency and restrictions on capital inflows,(sentencedict .com) has become a haven for investors fleeing widening global debt turmoil.

27. It can also increase the structural fragility of the balance of payments or reduce the ability of the economy to cope with adverse shifts in resource inflows

28. Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and SME development have had to serve as the main "shock absorbers" for the inevitable shedding of manpower and falling living standards.

29. It can also increase the structural fragility of the balance of payments or reduce the ability of the economy to cope with adverse shifts in resource inflows.

30. In 2011 alone, net capital inflows fell nearly 90% year on year, tourism was down 30%, the trade deficit soared to $28 billion, and GDP growth slowed from 3.8% to 1%.

31. Sometimes, a flash flood in the upper reaches of a river system can evolve into a more general river flood as it joins with other inflows and spreads out as it travels downstream.

32. For example, the many increases in banks' required reserves imposed by the People's Bank of China are largely aimed at neutralising the hot money inflows that pump up domestic liquidity.

33. Argentina has seen a strong uptick in foreign currency inflows on the back of high global grains prices, reducing the risk of a sharp near-term devaluation of the peso currency and giving the

34. This forecast was based on the theory that the occurrence of major Baltic inflows is to a large extent determined by advection under the large-scale Atlantic windfield, rather than by purely local meteorological events over the Baltic itself.

35. I will convey India’s interest in seeing the earliest possible return to trend growth and stabilisation of the banking and financial sectors in the advanced economies, because this directly affects our exports, capital inflows and investment.

36. Pimco led among Actively managed funds, with $33 billion in inflows -- almost all of it into the PIMCO Income Fund (PIMIX) -- followed by Dimensional Fund Advisors ($31 billion), which distributes its retail funds only through financial advisors.

37. Barriers to African access to world markets; low commodity prices; insufficient capital inflows, particularly in the form of foreign direct investment; decreasing official development assistance; and the public debt burden were constraints on the development of Africa

38. India with a 300 million strong middle class, a burgeoning market economy with significant investment inflows and robust long-term outlook for its ability to sustain high growth rates, is emerging as an important driver of growth in Asia and the world.

39. While parts of the East Coast have struggled in the face of adverse weather, other regions Basked in unusually warm temperatures, boosting business above seasonal norms, activity levels surged higher and inflows of new business boomed as a result.

40. Open innovation has been defined in 2014 by Chesbrough and Bogers as “a distributed innovation process based on purposively managed knowledge flows across organizational boundaries.” 8 It provides insights into how firms can harness inflows and outflows of knowledge to improve their innovation success

41. Current Account Convertibility allows free inflows and outflows of foreign currency for all purpose including resident Indians buying foreign goods and services (imports), Indians selling foreign goods and services (exports), Indians receiving and sending remittances, accessing foreign currency for travel, study abroad, medical tourism purpose etc.

42. Notwithstanding sometimes Appreciable declines in fair value, the positive development of our insurance activities as well as cash inflows from investments - assisted by a modest rally on the part of the US dollar - helped boost our asset holdings by EUR 1.7 billion or 2% to EUR 71.3 billion.

43. So, while post-crisis Asia focused in the 2000’s on repairing the financial vulnerabilities that had wreaked such havoc – namely, by amassing huge foreign-exchange reserves, turning current-account deficits into surpluses, and reducing its outsize exposure to short-term capital inflows – it failed to rebalance its economy’s macro structure.

44. This reduces transfer and Convertibility risks.: Cela réduit les risques de transfert et de convertibilité.: Nor is full Convertibility the key to attracting higher inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI).: La convertibilité complète ne constitue pas non plus la solution pour attirer des investissements directs à l'étranger (IDE) plus importants