checkpoint in Arabic

Checkpoint نقطة التفتيش

Sentence patterns related to "checkpoint"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "checkpoint" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "checkpoint", or refer to the context using the word "checkpoint" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. We were stopped at the checkpoint.

2. There was an army checkpoint at the frontier.

3. I'll telexed Hans'licence plate to all the checkpoint.

4. There are border guards at the checkpoint crossing.

5. Tourist visas are issued at any border checkpoint.

6. Checkpoint 19 ain't no two-bit hoosegow.

7. Checkpoint records show the bus was carrying 27 people.

8. Drive across the last checkpoint and you're home free.

9. There's also a utility called chcp for converting a checkpoint to a snapshot or vice-versa, and rmcpto invalidate a checkpoint or snapshot.

10. The police waved our car through the border checkpoint.

11. I peered into the dark and deserted-looking checkpoint.

12. Save a few for the checkpoint at the gate.

13. The car failed to stop at an army checkpoint.

14. The soldier stopped the motorist at a roadside checkpoint.

15. If you provide the checkpoint identification and the checkpoint data set is sequential, the identification can be any combination of up to 16 Alphamerics, special characters, and blanks

16. American soldiers in 2018 at a checkpoint in eastern Afghanistan

17. There has been no sign of him past checkpoint nine.

18. 7 The soldier stopped the motorist at a roadside checkpoint.

19. A checkpoint on the original perimeter, at Shek Chung Au, was decommissioned and its functions taken over by a new checkpoint outside of Sha Tau Kok.

20. After going through the checkpoint once, it will seem like a breeze.

21. Currently approved checkpoint inhibitors block CTLA4 and PD-1 and PD-L1.

22. Soldiers opened fire on a car which failed to stop at an army checkpoint.

23. A police checkpoint was set up to control access to and from the estate.

24. Paulson, an aviator, named Azeri after a checkpoint for airlines in Baku, Azerbaijan

25. By showing their birth certificates they were able to get through the checkpoint.

26. Not the bomb craters in the road, not the checkpoint guards who wave us on.

27. A driver blew up his car and himself after being stopped at a police checkpoint.

28. Checkpoint Charlie used to be the most famous border crossing between East and West Berlin.

29. Six hours from the start, in a wide lush valley, Fusil had placed his first checkpoint.

30. The Lao-Chinese Border Checkpoint is at Lan Tui, which is designated by landmark No. 7.

31. On either side of the well-guarded checkpoint stretched wire fences, barbed-wire entanglements and minefields.

32. This condition known as aneuploidy is largely due to the overexpression of the mitotic checkpoint protein MAD2.

33. For a PDS, the checkpoint identification must be a valid member name of up to eight Alphamerics

34. The sentries at the Yalu River checkpoint aimed their rifles at me instead of letting me hurry across.

35. • Checkpoint 3.4 - Use relative rather than absolute units in markup language attribute values and style sheet property values.

36. Atrip is phosphorylated by ATR, regulates ATR expression, and is an essential component of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway

37. No Beep and no memory count and checkpoint code display) when no errors are detected by POST

38. The Cot has a "rolling" assessment reference date (ARD) window, with an ARD checkpoint every seven days

39. Likewise, airlines issue those lists to security personnel at airports which allow only ticketed passengers beyond the security checkpoint.

40. Having been assigned to Jury Duty, I was going through a security checkpoint at an New York City Courts building.

41. The tanker's brakes failed as it approached a police checkpoint on a highway linking the towns of Ife and Ibadan.

42. Once properly tagged and escorted, the visitor passes the initial checkpoint and walks along a corridor into the Headquarters Building lobby.

43. Soldiers initially alleged that they fired at the car after it had driven through an army checkpoint and hit a soldier.

44. A decade ago this was Checkpoint Charlie, one of the few gaps in an otherwise impenetrable barrier a hundred miles long.

45. There was an easy passage through the checkpoint: Alexandre was known and his passengers were accepted as tourists from the Spaarndam.

46. Together with CHMP4C, required to retain Abscission-competent VPS4 (VPS4A and/or VPS4B) at the midbody ring until Abscission checkpoint signaling is …

47. On 21 May, Himmler and two aides were stopped and detained at a checkpoint set up by former Soviet POWs.

48. A military checkpoint, with military vehicles under a Russian flag, was set up on the main highway between the city and Simferopol.

49. It was also available mail-order as part of the Battle Station Set (Air Defense, Cobra Bunker, and Checkpoint Alpha) from 1988 - 91.

50. As the CAPPS' screening was only for luggage, the three hijackers did not undergo any extra scrutiny at the passenger security checkpoint.