beschleunigend in English

beschleunigend [bəʃlɔiniːgənt] accelerating, hastening, quickening, snowballing

Sentence patterns related to "beschleunigend"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "beschleunigend" from the Germany - English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "beschleunigend", or refer to the context using the word "beschleunigend" in the Germany - English Dictionary.

1. Eine sehr verdünnte Conidendrinlösung wirkt beschleunigend, eine konzentrierte dagegen verzögernd.

A very weak solution of conidendrine has an acceleration effect, whereas a concentrated one retards the hardening.

2. Es gibt dabei viele Vektoren einer einzigen Bewegung, beschleunigend und retardierend zugleich.

There are many different vectors here to a single movement, accelerating and delaying it at the same time.

3. Im Magen wirkt dieser Nahrungsmittelzusatzstoff durch Konkurrenzreaktion stark beschleunigend auf die Nitrosaminbildung welche zu den aggressivsten Krebsauslösern zählen.

Inside the stomach, this food additive provokes essentially a competitive reaction, one which accelerates the formation of nitrosamines, some of the most aggressive cancer-causing agents.