醉人 in Vietnamese

  • {intoxicate} , làm say, làm say sưa ((nghĩa bóng)), (y học) làm nhiễm độc

Sentence patterns related to "醉人"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "醉人" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "醉人", or refer to the context using the word "醉人" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 仙人球、烟叶、古柯叶、醉人的植物汁——这一切在历史上均担任一个角色。

2. 与此一致地,在圣经里,“酒”所指的乃是醉人的饮品和“烈酒”。——创世记9:21;路加福音1:15;申命记14:26;箴言31:4,6。

3. 近前一看,原来远望好像一丛丛白色玉米花的东西其实是数千棵树,每棵树都长满粉红色蕊的白花,使空气中充满醉人的芳香。 这些使我心旷神怡的景色正是杏林早春开花的写照。