酣睡 in Vietnamese

  • {profound sleep}
    - {be dead the wide}
    - {fast asleep}
    - {sleep like top}
    - {sleep on both ears}
    - {sopor} , (y học) giấc ngủ thiếp; hôn mê nhẹ
    - {sound sleep}

Sentence patterns related to "酣睡"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "酣睡" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "酣睡", or refer to the context using the word "酣睡" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 多个世纪以来,人们发现一夜酣睡非属偶然。

2. 屋内安详酣睡的基督徒被喧嚣的群众的打门声惊醒。

3. 挪亚在帐幕里酣睡之际,看来含对挪亚作出某种不敬的举动,含的儿子迦南可能也牵涉在内。

4. 他曾在这声音中酣睡;在这声音中睡醒;在这声音中休憩和随着这充满节奏感的心跳声轻轻颤动。

5. 在炎热、潮湿的一天末了来个冷水浴,或者在漫长、疲乏的旅途结束后获得一夜酣睡——人会感到多么安舒!

6. 我有时会开玩笑地跟大家解释说,这些改变就是在我们酣睡的时候发生的 你们明白了,15年前的午夜,我们沉醉在梦乡之时,改变来了。。。

Tôi nói pha chút bông đùa rằng nó xảy ra lúc nửa đêm, khi ta đang ngủ, nhưng đó là nửa đêm15 năm trước.

7. 他几乎不敢相信自己所看见的景象:车辆越过边界,司机鸣喇叭庆祝;很多西柏林人,有的还是刚刚从酣睡中醒过来的,纷纷跑到边界那里,夹道欢迎从东德过来的人,拥抱这些突如其来的访客。