敬而远之 in Vietnamese

  • {at respectful distance}
    - {at arm's length}

Sentence patterns related to "敬而远之"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "敬而远之" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "敬而远之", or refer to the context using the word "敬而远之" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 他报道说多数人对他敬而远之。“

2. 由于这缘故,当地政府并不欢迎他,马拉维的官员也对他敬而远之

3. 不错,鳄鱼的确是一种令人惊叹的爬行类动物,但我们最好还是敬而远之好了。

4. 另一方面,不管是患者不是,人要是顽梗不化、不讲道理,别人就会敬而远之,免得招惹麻烦。

5. 但是,如果人人都知道,每逢别人令我们有小小失望,我们就蓄意对人不理不睬,并且坚持对方一定要正式道歉,我们才肯理会对方,别人就可能觉得一定要对我们步步为营才行,或甚至敬而远之了!