媚眼 in Vietnamese

  • {glad eye}
    - {leer} , cái liếc mắt đểu cáng; cái liếc mắt dâm dật, liếc nhìn mắt đểu cáng; liếc mắt dâm dật

Sentence patterns related to "媚眼"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "媚眼" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "媚眼", or refer to the context using the word "媚眼" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 睿智的君王劝戒说:“你心里不要贪恋她的美色,也不要被她的媚眼勾引。”

Vị vua khôn ngoan khuyên: “Lòng con chớ tham muốn sắc nó, đừng để mình mắc phải mí mắt nó”.

2. 不要贪恋她的美色,不要被她的媚眼迷惑,因为娼妓使人倾家荡产,荡妇[别人的妻子,《新世》]叫人丧失生命。”(

3. “一个女孩遇到每个男孩都故意碰他的手臂,或对每个经过她身边的男性都抛媚眼,我会认为这个女孩喜欢挑逗人,这样的人我不会喜欢。”——若泽

4. 约一2:16,17)眼神也可以透露人内心的思想、感情和欲望,因此圣经有以下不同的说法:“高傲的眼”(箴6:17);“媚眼”(淫妇的挑逗眼神,箴6:25);“眼里尽是通奸的事”(彼后2:14);“小心眼”(箴23:6);“眼红别人”(箴28:22);“眼红”(和合翻做“红了眼”),这里说的“眼红”是指心眼不“慈善”(太20:15;箴22:9)。