媒人 in Vietnamese

  • {matchmaker} , người làm mối, bà mối, người tổ chức các cuộc đấu (vật...)

Sentence patterns related to "媒人"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "媒人" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "媒人", or refer to the context using the word "媒人" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 弘子的父母所选的媒人是一对上了年纪的社会名流夫妇。

2. 媒人们会 先想好这些问题 再把两个人凑到一起 就完事了

3. 一家网络媒人公司宣称,在240个国家里有超过900万人正在使用他们的服务。

4. 会见之后,媒人分别和男女双方私下商谈,看看他们是否有意使关系更进一步。

5. 你也许依然纳罕:‘如果所有这些律师、专家、传媒人物及甚至朋友和相识的人,均已采纳及鼓吹人对离婚抱有较宽大的看法,他们的主张岂不是有点道理吗?’