基督降生 in Vietnamese

  • {nativity} , sự sinh đẻ, (tôn giáo) (the nativity) lễ Thánh đản, (the nativity) ảnh Chúa giáng sinh, số tử vi

Sentence patterns related to "基督降生"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "基督降生" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "基督降生", or refer to the context using the word "基督降生" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 梵蒂冈的基督降生场景及圣诞树(圣诞树见左页)

2. 这是在现代的中东, 距离基督降生后又过了两千年, 可“童女生子”仍存在于现实生活中。

3. 在基督降生之前大约一千年,所罗门王建造了一支船队,船上有泰尔王的仆人随行。 这支船队把一些很名贵的货物从远方运回以色列。(