阻碍地 in Vietnamese

  • {obstructively}

Sentence patterns related to "阻碍地"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "阻碍地" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "阻碍地", or refer to the context using the word "阻碍地" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 确保联合国、国际人道主义组织及其伙伴能及时、安全不受任何阻碍地进入缅甸各地,包括冲突和边境地区,并与它们充分合作,确保人道主义援助顺利到达全国各地所有需要的人,包括流离失所者;

2. 但后来他们见到宾雪法尼亚州守望台圣经书社的名字在贝宁的官方报章上出现,接着政府宣布耶和华见证人能够在国内各地逐户教人认识圣经,海外传道员也可以不受阻碍地从事传道活动,他们都为此雀跃不已!