采矿者 in Vietnamese

  • {prospector} , người điều tra, người thăm dò (quặng, vàng...)

Sentence patterns related to "采矿者"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "采矿者" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "采矿者", or refer to the context using the word "采矿者" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 优质的天然珍珠价值有如黄金,潜水人有如采矿者

2. 报告凸显全球供应链存在各式各样的人权侵犯,包括:为全球消费者生产品牌服装和鞋类的工厂侵犯劳工权利、打压工会;种植烟草出售给全球香烟制造商的农场使用童工从事危险工作;营造部门移民工的劳动权利遭到严重侵犯;以及为全球市场挖掘黄金的手工采矿者常因意外事故丧生。