赢利 in Vietnamese

  • {in pocket}
    - {in the black}
    - {profit} , lợi, lợi ích, bổ ích, tiền lãi, lợi nhuận, làm lợi, mang lợi, có lợi, (+ by) kiếm lợi, lợi dụng, có lợi, có ích

Sentence patterns related to "赢利"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "赢利" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "赢利", or refer to the context using the word "赢利" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 然后我们进一步探讨,如何来调整非赢利机构的治理模式,使之形成利益相关方治理结构,以此来提升非赢利机构获取资源的能力。

2. 文章开头讨论了(在国际开发过程中)非政府组织如何与政府合作提供服务。 另外,关于美国非赢利机构和国外援助方面,本文还探讨了与政教分离有关的一些伦理问题。

3. 与由购买引发的捐献活动(在该种活动中,人们在购买消费品的同时进行了慈善捐献)不同,消费导向型慈善并不要求购买以赢利为目的的商品。 消费导向型慈善活动重新将捐助受众与慈善捐助设计为象征性商品。