象鼻 in Vietnamese

  • {trunk} , thân (cây, cột, người, thú), hòm, rương; va li, (như) trunk,line, vòi (voi), (ngành mỏ) thùng rửa quặng, (số nhiều) (như) trunk hose, rửa (quặng)

Sentence patterns related to "象鼻"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "象鼻" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "象鼻", or refer to the context using the word "象鼻" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 在印度的奥德巴勒姆,有人教小象以象鼻操画笔来画画。

2. 就在她爬到半途时 一只年轻的大象来到她身后 用象鼻托住她 然后把她送上岸

3. 它对这种“歧视”十分不满,烦躁地不停摇动身子,举高象鼻,并且用尖锐的叫声提出抗议。

4. 一旦这些娃娃饱餐之后,它们便会围绕着你,依偎着,甚至将象鼻缠绕着你的腿部来博取注意。

5. 为首的母象喝水时,我在旁看着 然后她以大象优雅缓慢的动作转身 摆动的象鼻宛如挥舞的手臂 只见她奋力爬上陡峭的边坡

6. 要抑制烟草苞芽害虫、非洲粘虫、棉子象鼻虫、日本甲虫、白蝇、青桃蚜虫、舞毒蛾、红火蚁、针枞苞芽害虫、蟑螂、白蚁、苍蝇和蚊蚋等还须大费工夫,上述仅是仍然为害人类的农作、环境和家庭的其中几种害虫而已。