无端 in Vietnamese

  • {sideless}

Sentence patterns related to "无端"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "无端" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "无端", or refer to the context using the word "无端" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 宣传虐待或无端残害动物的内容

Nội dung quảng bá hành động ngược đãi hoặc bạo lực vô cớ đối với động vật

2. 我开始感到心跳加速、肌肉软弱、呕吐和无端哭号。

3. 它不得不对在规模和深度上均属近年来前所未有的这一无端袭击作出反应。

4. 一位心理学家声称,这些儿童长大成人时较易被无端哭泣、失眠、自觉无用、负疚和失望等事所困扰。

5. 由于缺乏了辨识力,他们把自己的难题看成像健一无端长出的疹子和水疱一样,仿佛是上帝的错。——箴言19:3。

6. 例如,人很难明白,一个人为什么会走到陌生人身旁,然后无端端把他刺死;又或者有人会驾车到一所屋子附近,跟着乱枪扫射。