巴比妥酸盐 in Vietnamese

  • {barbiturate} , một loại thuốc an thầ

Sentence patterns related to "巴比妥酸盐"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "巴比妥酸盐" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "巴比妥酸盐", or refer to the context using the word "巴比妥酸盐" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 巴比妥酸盐和安弗坦明无疑曾对若干病人有所帮助。

2. 滥用毒品在妇女中最为常见;上瘾者往往按这一频率次序使用苯化重氮、眠尔通和复合巴比妥酸盐

3. 事实上,大麻、可卡因、霹雳(可卡因的一种形式)、海洛英、安非他明和巴比妥酸盐均能对身体造成极大损害。

4. 很多健康问题均与滥用合成毒品有关,这些毒品包括安非他明、巴比妥酸盐、镇静剂及新奇的“设计师毒品”等。