定时的 in Vietnamese

  • {timed}

Sentence patterns related to "定时的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "定时的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "定时的", or refer to the context using the word "定时的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. *定时的保养工夫,从更换客舱内的破旧地毯,到彻底检修重逾4吨的引擎,全都包括在内。

2. 地球的大气层得以留在原处也全赖引力。 月球和太阳的引力则产生定时的潮汐,有助海洋的水流循环。

3. 还有聆听八十岁的老妇人告诉我 她们曾被绑在铁链上,串成一圈儿, 一群男人然后就不定时的进来,轮奸她们 这一切,都是在经济扩张的名义下进行的 大公司开掘矿藏,这样他们就可以收获渔利