女校长 in Vietnamese

  • {headmistress} , bà hiệu trưởng
    - {schoolmistress} , cô giáo, bà giáo, cô hiệu trưởng, bà hiệu trưởng

Sentence patterns related to "女校长"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "女校长" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "女校长", or refer to the context using the word "女校长" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 在缅印边境的坎巴镇,23个见证人学童不肯向国旗鞠躬,被女校长开除学籍。

2. 我和琼在圣公会开办的乡村学校念书,学校提供一些宗教课程,美莉姨姨向女校长表明,我们决不参加。

3. 一个记者问卡塔尔大学的校长 现在在场的Sheikha博士 顺便说一句,Sheikha博士是位女校长 他问她是否认为 穿阿拉伯长袍在任何形式上阻碍或者侵犯了她的自由