周界 in Vietnamese

  • {perimeter} , chu vi, máy đo trường nhìn (thị trường), (quân sự) vòng ngoài của doanh trại (đồn luỹ...)

Sentence patterns related to "周界"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "周界" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "周界", or refer to the context using the word "周界" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 所有孵蛋標本都是位於蛋群之上,牠們的兩肢對稱乎放在巢的兩側,前肢覆蓋整個巢的周界

2. 在这个优雅的马雅中心周界范围内有许多雕刻精巧的独立石柱,它们是用称为粗面岩的青翠火山凝灰岩——开采时颇软,但暴露在风雨之下逐渐变硬——所雕成。

3. 尽可能确定(如尚未这样做)其管辖或控制下已知布有或怀疑布有杀伤人员地雷的所有区域的确切周界和位置,按照第7条的要求,至迟于缔约国第十届会议报告这一信息,并将这一信息纳入国家行动计划和范围更宽的相关发展和重建规划。